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  • NYC Façade Inspection Safety Program (FISP)
    NYC Façade Inspection Safety Program (FISP)

    Previously known as Local Law 11, the New York City Department of Buildings’ (NYCDOB) FISP requires buildings greater than six stories retain a professional engineer or registered architect to examine the building’s exterior walls every five years, and file a façade report. Our Qualified Exterior Wall Inspectors (QEWI) have served as consultants on a number of efforts aimed at improving the Façade Inspection and Safety Program for all the stakeholders.

  • NYSERDA Primary Energy Consultant
    NYSERDA Primary Energy Consultant

    As a Primary Energy Consultant for projects relating to NYSERDA’s New Construction Initiatives,DRPILLA offers energy modeling, analysis and building commissioning to significantly increase the performance of buildings and their energy systems. Our goal is to help clientssave when starting any new construction or major base building improvements in existing buildings both commercial and residential.